dock under cloudy sky in front of mountain

Is MamaFollowingHerJoy the Right Place for You?

Welcome!! You’re in the right place if 1 or more of the following applies ….

  1. You’re an exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious mama
  2. You feel lost and like you’re on a never ending hamster wheel
  3. You’ve lost your spark, your joy
  4. You feel so disconnected from why you even wanted to be a mama in the first place
  5. You’re tired of feeling like you can’t share what it’s really like being a mama
  6. You’re embarking on homeschooling and want to cultivate your children’s natural curiosity
  7. You’re a recently single mama trying to take care of everything and everyone
  8. You know you’re meant for so much more than just getting by
  9. You yearn to feel inner joy, happiness and fulfillment
  10. You crave a community of mamas showing up authentically with no need to hide the realities (not Instagram perfect) of being a mother day in and day out
  11. You want practical, easy to implement tools to grow as a woman and mama

    I’m here to serve you lovely mama. I’ve been there. I get it. I know how hard it can feel to be in this place. At one time I felt so alone. Like no body understood what is was like to be a full-time mama looking after everyone else’s needs. To feel judged by everyone around you because you are blessed to be a mother and how could you share anything contrary to immense joy and gratitude.
    I created this blog to share the ups and downs of motherhood and what I’ve learned along the way.
    I’m here to support you in reclaiming who you are and who you want to become – your dreams, your desires.
    Here I will share what I’ve learned on my journey and from others so that you feel like you’ve got this and your life will only get better from here.
    I’m so grateful you’re here! Please comment below if you can relate to any of the above.

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